@article{oai:agu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000836, author = {野呂, 忠司 and NORO, Tadashi and ROHE, Gregory L. and ROHE, Gregory L. and 浜田, 忍 and HAMADA, Shinobu and 岡田, 佐由里 and OKADA, Sayuri}, issue = {30}, journal = {人間文化 : 愛知学院大学人間文化研究所紀要, Transactions of the Institute for Cultural Studies, Aichi Gakuin University NINGEN BUNKA}, month = {Sep}, pages = {190--177}, title = {〈プロジェクト研究〉Quantitative Assessment of the Extensive Reading Program in the Global English Department, with a Focus on the Development of General Reading Ability and Linguistic Proficiency}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ノロ, タダシ and ロウ, グレゴリー and ハマダ, シノブ and オカダ, サユリ} }